Disturbing truths about Kenyan mercenaries sent to kill and be killed in Haiti

The young Haitian scores a historic victory goal yet Haiti looses again
June 26, 2024
Sèvis sekrè Etazini konseye yon endividi yo akize kòm kòmanditè sasinay Jovenel Moïse
August 31, 2024

Greed, violence, envy and deceitfulness portrayed in fictional Wakanda pale to very real and extreme wickedness now at play in Haiti and Africa.

Since June 2024, a few hundred mercenaries from Kenya are collecting US dollars from a so-called Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti. The latter was negotiated by Kenya’s nationally discredited and embattled president William Ruto with his backers in Washington, D.C. Oddly “blessed” by UNSC Resolution 2699, the MSS which is utterly illegal according to both Haiti’s constitution and the Kenyan justice system, has no status as a formal UN Peacekeeping mission. In truth, this US-engineered, funded and controlled MSS constitutes a blackface imperialist (re)invasion of Haiti. The premise of its mobilization “to assist the government of Haiti in restoring law and order amid worsening civil strife and gang violence” defies basic common sense, succeeding in fooling only the most naive or ill-informed.

In the following paragraphs, I share supporting evidence that, contrary to its official objectives, the MSS and its mercenaries, like their supposed opponents (US-armed terrorists aka “gangs”) are, in fact, all mobilized in Haiti by US imperialists for a common purpose: repress politically educated and patriotic black youths. The latter are seen as constant threats to the interests of local oligarchs (white warlords), their powerful Euro-American allies, including the Bretton Woods institutions (IFIs) that are wreaking havoc in Haiti as they have been all over our world, including in Kenya, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger… We are dealing with a desperate, imperialist, hegemonic, white power-anchored, neocolonial system in serious crisis on many fronts.

Taking stock of IFIs’ catastrophic track record in Kenya and Haiti

In his July 8, 2024 article Protests in Kenya – Who is to Blame?, Max Lawson concludes that deadly protests which erupted this year in Kenya are the result of “a cocktail of government missteps, elite greed, and international pressures, especially from the IMF with harsh austerity demands”. Judging from their track record in Haiti, over 7 decades, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) have proven deadly weapons supporting global white terrorism, capitalist greed & Euro-American hegemonic folly. Surely, Haiti’s current puppet leaders would beg to disagree with my assessment. After all, His illegally-appointed Excellency Garry Conille has just returned from a tour of US cities where the de facto Haitian Prime Minister broke bread, wined and dined with key US government officials and on the heels of which, the Interamerican Development Bank announced $40 million worth of new loans going to his team. Haiti’s US-anointed PM boasts of having met “various international aid groups to discuss his transition government’s mission to bring peace, restore the Haitian economy and organize elections”. It remains unknown how many millions of dollars this escapade by Conille’s sizeable delegation has cost Haitian coffers. Conille arrived to his new post straight from foreign lands where he worked for UNESCO, other UN/US agencies and Bill Clinton. Several ministers and a new Police Chief were likewise parachuted in. New Minister of Finance Kathleen Florestal previously worked at the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund. What could possibly go wrong when such well-coached doctors are toiling to fix a state that Washington Mistra know-it-alls have long declared fragile or failed?

First, let us glance at the IFIs stance towards Haiti during a rare period when the country had legitimate, truly Haitian and duly elected leadership (The Aristide presidency).

After much struggle, in 1990, Haitians wrestled a resounding victory over US imperialists and allies by electing President for a 5-year term an immensely popular leader, Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Logically, for their impoverished nation, Aristide and his government prioritized healthcare, education, public works and long overdue socio-economic reforms. Through local US agents, it took former CIA Director turned US President HGW Bush merely 7 months to topple Aristide and his socialist government by military coup d’état on September 30, 1991.  Then, while exiled in the US (Sept. 1991-Oct. 1994), President Aristide was treated like “a hostage made to appear free” while he negotiated a potential return home with his US captors.  Among published works that describe this period in ample detail, I recommend Stan Goff’s book “Hideous Dream” and Peter Hallward’s “Haiti Damning the flood”.  

Succeeding Bush in 1993, a newly installed Clinton administration felt no shame whatsoever in cornering Aristide into signing a “Paris Accord” which, among other concessions, demanded that, upon his probable return home, the legitimate Haitian Head of State implements the very US and IMF-friendly privatization policies (plan lanmò – the death plan) he once vehemently opposed. Peter Hallward describes the “ransom of sort” that President Aristide had to concede to his menacing, though smiling, US captors/friends. Hallward also describes the Haitian President’s own desperate strategies to resist under what were clearly unfavourable conditions.

The state assets and utilities not only earn significant revenues while providing local goods and services under equitable conditions, they also offer (through the recruitment of thousands of public sector employees) one of the only significant ways a cash strapped government can make limited progress towards affirmative action and redistribution of wealth. The ports and telecommunications company alone employ around 8,000 people, and account for a substantial portion of what little leverage the government still retains in its permanent struggle with a predatory private sector.  On 10 May 1996 Aristide echoed what his supporters had been saying for months when he openly denounced the IMF’s version of privatization, arguing that such moves have never improved the lot of citizens of any country.

Twice democratically elected (1990, 2000) Aristide was twice removed by violent CIA coordinated coup d’état. At the time of the 30 September 1991 coup, GHW (papa) Bush occupied the US White House. As the second coup toppled Aristide on 29 February 2004, George Bush (the lesser) sat in the White House, assisted by Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice et. al.

George “Baby” Bush deemed that Haiti needs “fixing” on account of its legitimate government investing 16% of a measly national budget in healthcare, prioritizing education, public works, increasing the minimum wage and demanding long overdue restitution/reparations from France. Needless to say, Haiti’s visibly non-African oligarchs who, in tandem with foreign multinationals, exploit the impoverished black population in bloody sweatshops were never impressed with President Aristide. 

California based Haiti Action Committee documents how under Haiti’s Lavalas governments important achievements were made to address the basic needs of the population in many areas. “In Health Care: a greater percentage of the national budget was allocated to health care than had any previous government in Haitian history. Education/Literacy: For the first time in its history, Haiti began implementing a Universal Free Schooling Program. 20% of the national budget was dedicated to education. Lavalas built 195 new primary schools and 104 new public high schools and began the first school bus program. 70% of government subsidies were granted for school books and uniforms and 700,000 hot meals were served every day through school lunch programs“.

A mirror that disturbs because it refuses to lie to vicious white bullies, Haiti is an international crime scene. Indeed, black Haitians form a nation which is permanently under attack by white arsonists dressed as firefighters. Time and again, Haitians chose visionary leaders like founder Jean-Jacques Dessalines (1804), Lysius Salomon (1879), Dumarsais Estimé (1946), Daniel Fignolé (1957), and Aristide (1990, 2000). These leaders were each viciously attacked and, over two centuries, Haiti’s treasury was regularly ransacked, subjected to outrageous ransoms collected by white European and Euro-American invaders. For instance, the sum France collected between 1825 and 1947 represents well over $121 billion US (even if calculated at minimal interest rates, as the New-York Times did in 2022). And this was one of many such episodes of gun-boat diplomacy against Haiti which, together with a history of white solidarity among the colonial powers, deprived Haiti of its precious resources. See “Ayiti gen dosye Restitisyon-Reparasyon pou: Lafrans, Lespay, Angletè, Almay, Etazini, Kanada” (Haiti can file credible demands for restitution-reparations from France, Spain, Britain, Germany, USA and Canada)

Every time I plant a seed, you say kill it before it grows” – I shot the sheriff, Robert Nesta Marley.

The US government (under Democrats & Republicans) used the IMF, World Bank and IDB and the OAS as deadly weapons to facilitate the destabilization and eventual overthrow of President Aristide’s Lavalas government. Events which unfolded between 2001 and 2004 are particularly instructive in this regard. Many Haitians, including supporters of Lavalas such as myself, became exasperated witnessing desperate and ineffective strategies with which President Aristide and Lavalas responded to multiple dirty strangulation tactics the US was deploying against our nation. While denied access to $500M in approved IMF loans, the legitimate government was forced to empty national reserves in order to pay interest on a loan ($150M from IDB) that was still illegally retained from the Haitian State, disburse $2.9M in outrageous “reparations” claimed by violent opposition parties and the French Institute after failed but deadly coup attempts in 2001 (see: Open Letter to President Aristide from a Son of Haiti).

“The case of Haiti shows that the IMF’s neoliberal policies are not just economic. In addition to earning vast profits for the banks, IMF loans are a political tool that act in coordination with imperialist powers to bring about their geopolitical goals”The Politics of Globalization. (see also What the World Bank and IDB Owe Haiti, Dan Beeton, 2006)

Keep Aristide & Lavalas offside on the Haitian political arena – a white obsession since 1990! (please see: Obsessed with leveling its political playing field the US & Canada are destroying Haiti).

After seven years exiled in South Africa, the Aristide family flew back home to Haiti on March 18, 2011. Upon their return which occurred despite openly-expressed objection from U.S., Canadian and several European governments, Dr. Aristide and his wife reopened Université de la Fondation Aristide (UniFA), their medical university, which occupation forces had transformed into military barracks, after chasing out professors and 247 medical students (Please watch this brief video titled “Black Solidarity to Undo the Kidnapping of Haiti’s President Aristide“).

In the midst of scheduled elections in 2016, American actor/humanitarian activist Danny Glover issued a public message of support for Fanmi Lavalas Candidate Dr. Maryse Narcisse. In his impassioned delivery, Glover made clear why he feared that, once again, the US wanted to deny Aristide’s Fanmi Lavalas. It is noteworthy that, within a few years of the Aristide family’s return to Haiti, every March, 100s of young Haitians receive graduation diplomas at UNIFA in Medicine, Law, Architecture, Dentistry, Nursing, Administration, Agronomy, among other disciplines. Their related top-notch hospital (Hôpital Universitaire Docteur Aristide) is operational in the Haitian capital since 2022. This is the black man self-appointed Tarzans and Janes have made it their business to guard Haitians against? For sure, bro Kendrick, “they not like us!

The fire this time! In Haiti as in Africa, global white terrorism remains the real enemy of peace.

For the sake of argument, please allow in some smoke & mirrors and momentarily pretend to believe the synchronized straight face pronouncements of US, Canadian, EU, UN, OAS, CARICOM, Kenyan and Haitian politicians who claim that black mercenaries of the MSS are on mission – this time – to really “help Haiti confront a local gang problem”.

First, let us review some well-established facts:

  • The crimes are evident and the main culprits have long been identified.
    • Since October 2023, the UN published its 156-page investigative report which establishes that “Michel Martelly, who served as president from 2011 to 2016, used gangs to expand his influence over neighbourhoods to advance his political agenda, contributing to a legacy of insecurity, the impacts of which are still being felt today”.  The UN expert panel specifically notes that “Martelly created Baz 257, which over time was financed and armed to prevent anti-Government demonstrations…Martelly has also used intermediaries to build relationships and negotiate with other gangs, including through foundations and members of his security detail”.
    • Further, the UN Panel confirms that “Reynold Deeb, the Chief Operating Officer at Deka Group, a leading importer of consumer goods, and sanctioned by a Member State (Canada), has been financing members of gangs to protect his business and secure the transportation of the commodities he imports… Deeb continues to maintain his grip on the choice of customs officials deployed across several main ports of entry”.
    • As described in this article by the Centre for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)the UN report also documents the myriad armed groups active in the country, the various alliances and networks among them, and how many have turned into hugely lucrative criminal enterprises involved in arms and drug trafficking. Kidnappings for ransom, the report notes, have become a major revenue source for these groups”. 
  • For informed Haitians and foreign analysts, alike, the existence of direct collusion between paramilitary kidnappers /terrorists, the criminal PHTK party and infamous white warlords in Haiti constitutes a long-established fact (see: Solve Crisis Permanently Force US Stop Backing Notorious White Warlords in Haiti)
    • To illustrate, on June 28, 2023, I witnessed a weird discussion during a conference organized by Université Quisqueya where Robert Muggah, a researcher who spoke on Day 1 of the conference, matter-of-factly identified Ariel Henry (then, US-appointed “leader of Haiti”) as key sponsor of the brutal 400 Mawozo gang of kidnappers. Ariel Henry who was also present and, in fact, spoke to open the conference (see 59:00), uttered not a word to contradict Muggah; neither did other participants. It is also noteworthy that infamous 400 Mawozo terrorists have their base of operation right in the vicinity of the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince.

Considering the above facts, would it not be reasonable to expect individuals, countries and organizations that are genuinely interested in “helping Haiti” win a fight against terrorists (aka gangs) to mobilize adequate resources to effectively arrest and neutralize the most powerful warlords (Michel Martelly, Raynold Deeb, Gilbert Bigio, Jimmy Chérizier…) who are clearly identified in the UN report, as they have been in other credible sources?

As I type these lines, all four (4) men are free while evidence mount that US-linked assets (Pamela White, Wyclef Jean, OAS…) are working tirelessly to ensure these same corrupt, violent individuals linked to Parti Haitien Tèt Kale (PHTK) retain much influence in Haitian politics and economy. Indeed, as the very first MSS Kenyan mercenaries were landing in Port-au-Prince, end of June to mid-July, entertainer Wyclef Jean rekindled a surreal campaign to secure amnesty for PHTK-CIA linked terrorists including Jimmy Chérizier and Vitelhomme Innocent. 

Wyclef, who campaigned with PHTK’s Michel Martelly and associated white warlords back in 2010, is essentially parroting the same lines as former US Ambassador to Haiti, Pamela White. Amnesty (impunity) was successfully secured by the US for its agents (FRAPH-CIA, FAdH, FLRN, GNB and Group 184…) who executed the 1991 and 2004 coups d’état. Also noteworthy, current Puppet Prime Minister Garry Conille held the same position under Michel Martelly in 2011-2012. The 9 member Conseil Présidentiel de Transition which was established via opaque negotiations between foreign overlords and select political parties, under the visible auspices of CARICOM, less visible US State Department supervision with Canadian assistance…is equally unconstitutional, flawed and heavily PHTK-CIA dominated.

In Thugs They Trust

No story about current mayhem in Haiti is complete if it fails to address the US-Franco-Canadian coup d’État of 20 years ago which effectively collapsed all three (3) branches of the Haitian State (Executive, Legislative & Judiciary) where US-approved criminals were placed and held in power through violence and fraud (in which US and Canadian officials took active part) replacing 7000 elected officials who were toppled by the US-led foreign invaders/ coupsters.


Three jailbreaks and reactions to them will help illustrate how, over the past 3 decades, the US and allied regional & international agencies have consistently undermined genuine Haitian democracy.

A) August 3, 2002: Lavalas militant Amyot Métayer escaped from prison together with Jean Tatoune, a former partner who turned against him. Quickly, the self-declared “international community” (United States, Canada, France, OAS…) reacted by pressuring President Aristide to move heaven and earth in order to return Métayer to prison or else! Eventually, amidst much confusion which pit against each other: Amyot Metayer, his brother Butter Métayer, President Aristide’s party (Fanmi Lavalas) and the people of Gonaives, on September 21, 2003 Amyot Métayer was tragically murdered under confusing conditions that added more fuel to fire that was already burning. Amyot Métayer, unlike his brother Butter, was a committed Lavalas activist who commanded much respect amongst Lavalas supporters. There was no logical or apparent reason for Lavalas to be involved in his demise under such a tense situation. So, at the time, some keen analysts suspected CIA fingerprints in events unfolding in Gonaives. However, until recently, blame for the deadly jailbreak fell squarely on President Aristide and Lavalas.

On March 1, 2024, The Grayzone author Jeb Sprague published shocking revelations about the Gonaïves jailbreak, subsequent assassination of Amyot Métayer and the 2004 coup.

Documents released to The Grayzone under FOIA – no doubt unintentionally – reveal that the jailbreak was part of a complex US intelligence operation, aimed at undermining Aristide’s presidency. At the heart of this operation was Janice L. Elmore, a CIA operative working under cover as a Department of State ‘Political Officer’ in the Port-au-Prince US Embassy at the time…The 2002 breakout set in motion a violent regime change campaign, which ultimately ousted Aristide from office on February 29, 2004“.

B) February 26, 2021: Arnel Joseph, a self-avowed kidnapper, killer, thief, henchman at the service of a criminal network baptized “Haiti Cherie” by its so-called Siryan-Lebanese-Haitian leaders, escapes among hundreds of prisoners who were incarcerated at Croix-des-Bouquets Jail. This incident left many dead, including an inspector and dozens of inmates. Arnel Joseph is said to have escaped in a police car heading to his “baz” (400 Mawozo gang headquarter). The next day, Feb 27, 2021, Arnel Joseph died riddled by police bullets, in nearby L’Estère. Thus, forever silenced, Arnel will never face legal justice to confirm or deny his rumoured connections with Michel Martelly, Jovenel Moise, Allan Zuraik, Reynold Deeb, Gilbert Bigio, Gracia Delva. What reaction from the self-declared “international community” in Haiti? Nada! Ziltch! Silence! In fact, some deflect journalist inquiries by quoting the criminal and fraudulently-installed PHTK regime – the thugs they trust!

C) March 3, 2024: the two largest prisons of Haiti are stormed by heavily armed criminals, resulting in more than 4,700 inmates escaping, among them several killers known to be close allies of Michel Martelly. These include key players, like former Head of Presidential Palace Security (USGPN) Dimitri Hérard, accused of involvement in the July 7, 2021 murder of former president Jovenel Moise – several escapees took refuge with kidnapping gang leader Johnson André (Izo) who took over the Vilajdedye gang – formerly ruled by Arnel Joseph. What reaction from the self-declared “international community” in Haiti? in terms of criticism of the so-called Haitian government: Nada! Ziltch! Silence! Instead, OAS Secretary General Antonio Gutierres saw a perfect opportunity to reiterate the outrageous call for foreign occupation of Haiti that puppet Ariel Henry had been begging for all along. More cookies and candies for PHTK!

A constant feature of Haitian history: white powers mobilize weapons, militaries, diplomats to protect a criminal white minority on the island (1492 to present).

Ain’t no “favorite colonizer” in my Haiti.

Typical criticism of Black Panther II – Wakanda Forever fell along the same lines as those that were levied against the original film. The list of faults includes problematic political messages about what constitutes appropriate African heroism (King T’Challa vs Killmonger), victims of European imperialist aggressions shown fighting each other rather than collaborating against the common oppressor and relatively sympathetic portrayal of a CIA operative dubbed “my favorite colonizer” by Princess Shuri. As US-led imperialists invade Haiti yet again, this time, with black mercenaries from Africa and the Caribbean, there is no need to speculate! William Ruto, CARICOM leaders and a host of Haitian sellouts who shamelessly attempt to drape their betrayal of our peoples with the flag of a very peculiar form of deadly “pan-Africanism” are “salon slaves”, not heroes!  

As I write these lines, fresh news arrived about the latest killings of unarmed protestors in Kenya. “Three people, among them a journalist working with Kameme radio and TV were shot during the anti-government protests in Nakuru” reads the headline. Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) recorded 39 people killed, 32 cases of “enforced or involuntary disappearances” and 627 arrests of protesters by the Ruto regime, from June 18 to July 1, alone. In Nairobi, Port-au-Prince or New Caledonia, the target is politically active black men & women. The trigger puller might look like the victims but, in truth, there always are white terrorists, neocon land thieves hidden in air-conditioned salons to mobilize the deadly weapons. Yes, Ruto is a monster! But, he is a mere prototype of what President Ibrahim Traore calls “salon slave”. We’ve seen this repulsive creature in Haiti (Duvalier, Martelly, Moise), Congo (Mobutu), Burkina Faso (Compraore ), etc… While we must indeed uproot Ruto and all salon slaves, let us be mindful that Frankenstein lives in Washington, London, Paris, Brussels, Ottawa… People of conscience, particularly Africans, must rise everywhere to permanently end the ongoing MAAFA.

To be continued…
In Part 2, we ask: “Where is Haiti’s Gen Z movement?


  1. Marie Nadine Pierre says:

    Jah & Jahes love beloved brother Jafrikayiti. I loved reading this wonderful blog post about the Fanmi Lavalas administration and the ways that the IMF and other colonial powers undermined Dr. JFA’s attempt to build Ayiti’s infrastructure. It made me very angry to read how my country, the U.S. fought against the Fanmi Lavalas allocation of 16% of their budget to health care and other much-needed Public Health services. It feels like they mean to kill us all or condemn us to a lifetime of destitution, disease, and illness. I find that shameful and despicable and I certainly want the U.S. Presidential candidates to answer questions about that during their campaign. I’m hopeful that the Harris campaign/administration will be more knowledgeable about the situation. But, we’ll have to wait and see what their approach to Ayiti is. For now, I want to share the following quotes that captivated my imagination and gave me much hope “George “Baby” Bush deemed that Haiti needs “fixing” on account of its legitimate government investing 16% of a measly national budget in healthcare, prioritizing education, public works, increasing the minimum wage and demanding long overdue restitution/reparations from France. ” “For the first time in its history, Haiti began implementing a Universal Free Schooling Program. 20% of the national budget was dedicated to education.” I would like to know if there is any updated statistics about these schools and programs that the Fanmi Lavalas established of which you wrote ” Lavalas built 195 new primary schools and 104 new public high schools and began the first school bus program. 70% of government subsidies were granted for school books and uniforms and 700,000 hot meals were served every day through school lunch programs“. Blessed love.#1804#Ayiti#ToutMounseMoun#AbolishCPS#AbolishPoverty#DefundFosterCare#ProChoice#RawVeganforLife#HRES40NOW#NoNewOccupationofAyiti#BwaKale

  2. Marie Nadine Pierre says:

    Jah & Jahes love beloved brother Jafrikayiti. I’m happy to have read this powerful blog post. I’m grateful for the fabulous research that you’ve done to find your roots. I feel sad about the fact that the two brothers who are in your family tree and who fought at Savannah were sought after escaping from their enslavers. They were probably promised freedom for going to help the U.S. in 1779. But, as always these BM had no good intentions and they most likely didn’t keep their promise. I was thrilled to read about your other ancestor, who moved to Ayiti with his aunt and uncle from Philadelphia. I am planning to read Dr. Leslie Alexander’s book about African Americans in Ayiti. I was surprised that he considered himself a U.S.-born Haitian. Do you think that he might have descended from Haitians who were enslaved by the French in the 14 States that Napoleon sold to Thomas Jefferson? Or, he might have been a descendant of the enslaved people who were brought to the U.S. by the French in the late 18th century during the War for Ayiti’s Independence. Antouka, bon bagay. Most powerful quote ” Brothers and sisters may the spirit of Dessalines and of all our noble ancestors guide us! May Ruto’s descendants defecate upon his grave for, clearly, his salon slave actions fall squarely in the tradition of mischievous white powers using black bodies as cannon fodder whenever they need, only to discard and humiliate once no longer deemed useful.”
    Blessed love.#1804#Ayiti#ToutMounseMoun#AbolishCPS#AbolishPoverty#DefundFosterCare#ProChoice#RawVeganforLife#HRES40NOW#NONewOccupationofAyiti#BwaKaleBlessed love.#1804#Ayiti#ToutMounseMoun#AbolishCPS#AbolishPoverty#DefundFosterCare#ProChoice#RawVeganforLife#HRES40NOW#NONewOccupationofAyiti#BwaKale