Disturbing truths about Kenyan mercenaries sent to kill and be killed in Haiti

The young Haitian scores a historic victory goal yet Haiti looses again
June 26, 2024
Sèvis sekrè Etazini konseye yon endividi yo akize kòm kòmanditè sasinay Jovenel Moïse
August 31, 2024

Disturbing truths about Kenyan mercenaries sent to kill and be killed in Haiti, Part 2

Where is Haiti’s Gen Z movement?

Short answer: Jimmy “Babekyou” Chérizier and his gang of terrorists effectively chased off the streets most activists who were demanding accountability from US-backed PHTK thieves. For the archives, they left mutilated corpses, wounds and permanent scars. Some of us can still hear their once loud and incessant cries as tens of thousands marched the streets of Haitian cities in solidarity. This organized and stubborn resistance to PHTK-CIA was particularly visible between 2015 and 2020: “Aba koudeta elektoral” (Down with Electoral coup) “Chire bidjè kriminèl” (tear up this criminal budget – finance bill) “Chavire chodyè a” (Turn over the boiling pot) “Kot Kòb Petro Caribe a” (Where is the Petro Caribe Fund?) “Peyi lòk” (Shut Down the country) “Viv Tranzisyon Koupe Fache” (Praise to revolutionary transition).

Chérizier’s Viv Ansanm (G9) terrorists have been and remain on duty to force Haitians into constant fear, subdued silence and confusion, while fundraising continues for more black mercenaries (MSS) to arrive in reinforcement, from Africa and the Caribbean. Indeed, US armed terrorists (aka gangs) are still mobilized to destabilize and control the voting population of Haiti, so that whenever the United States eventually gives the green light to hold “elections” in the occupied territory, the outcome will inevitably be another World Bank, IDB, IMF-friendly US puppet. The latter shall be empowered to guarantee white oligarchs, multinational corporations and associated PHTK party maintenance of key power and privileges, under this dis-order established by force in Haiti, since decades.

If I share many concerns raised by critics of BPII and even have additional ones linked to its nods to Hayti, none of these, however, would lead me to desire the fall of Wakanda. Instead, I posit that what must surely fall, by any means necessary, is very real US-led white terrorism against Africans, everywhere.

Real-life nefarious characters such as former US Ambassadors James B. Foley, Pamela White, faux left journalists Kim Ives and Dan Cohen who are busy promoting mass murderer Jimmy Chérizier as “revolutionary” are no favorite colonizer or unexpected allies of mine. Pamela White has openly and insistently advocated for heavily armed foreign mercenaries to invade Haiti and render the country “good again” for its private sector (code word for billionaire & millionaire white oligarchs/ warlords). Unlike Princess Shuri’s fictional “favorite colonizer”, Pamela White’s imperialist pronouncements must not be ignored by anyone who genuinely cares about global peace and justice. White’s “recommendations” have been known to turn deadly reality within months. At a US House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing titled “Policy recommendations on Haiti for the Biden Administration” held March 12, 2021, Pamela White recommended that the US retires Jovenel Moïse, then, its most recent fraudulently-installed puppet “president” in Haiti. “Put him aside!” she said. Low and behold, on July 7, 2021, Jovenel Moïse was taken down by DEA agents and Colombian mercenaries hired by CTU, a Florida-based company.

Then, as also recommended by Mrs. White, Ariel Henry, a colonial “prime minister in waiting” was put in “charge” of Haiti by the foreign overseers (Core Group) who effectively rule Haiti since 2004, comfortably and cowardly hidden behind black-face puppets. The Core Group is, in fact, a non-legal entity made up of the ambassadors of the US, Canada, France, Brazil, Spain and Germany as well as representatives of the European Union, United Nations and Organization of American States established in Haiti. Peculiar imperial “diplomats” behaving as Tarzan and Jane in our strange but real world do not concern or embarrass themselves with niceties such as legality, Haitian, Kenyan or international law.  

Please see Jakob Johnston detailing “how DEA & FBI informants in Haiti planned to assassinate rogue puppet Moïse & even informed FBI of their plans months before“. After the brazen assassination, the US-led Core Group installed PHTK-associated puppets Claude Joseph, followed by Ariel Henry, both suspects in the murder of Jovenel Moise. In thugs they trust!

No other power in the region but the United States could have led to the creation and maintenance in power of chief PHTK bandits: Deeb, Bigio, Martelly, Jimmy Chérizier (aka Babekyou)… The latter, a former policeman, led multiple vicious massacres in the Haitian Capital’s most populous neighbourhoods, historical strongholds of Haiti’s black majority popular resistance against the foreign-backed oligarchs. Several well-documented massacres have been attributed to Chérizier. He has also brazenly claimed responsibility for some of these acts – claiming they were in response to attacks that he suffered from rival “gangs”. Chérizier’s documented victims are as young as 3 years old Abigaëlle CHARLOT and as old as Jasmine JOSEPH aged eighty-six (86) years who was, according to this report issued by human rights watchdog RNDDH, on April 1, 2021, “at her home in Rue Monseigneur Guilloux when armed bandits threw her off the floor of her house and dragged her into the street. To save her life, residents of the area had to shoot at the bandits who were attacking this octogenarian“.

Despite an arrest warrant to Jimmy Chérizier name dating January 31, 2020; despite the fact that on June 20, 2024, Judge Morin published a final ordinance for the November 12-13, 2018 La Saline Massacre in which Chérizier and several high officials of the PHTK government are confirmed indicted and summoned to face trial, PHTK-protected super criminal Jimmy “Babekyou” Cherizier still roams free in his fiefdom, giving interviews to Al Jazeera and other media, in addition to taunting videos he publishes regularly on social media. There are other examples of CIA assets used in this manner throughout modern Haitian history (Emmanuel “Toto Constant, Guy Philippe).  

Make no mistake about it, Frankenstein’s beloved monsters are still being cared for

Why is the “Haitian private sector” so white? They not like us!

Canada, the US, France, other Core Group members… attending a March 11, 2024 CARICOM meeting in Jamaica, outrageously insisted that power be shared with local criminals, drug dealers, assassins who, as recently as March 3, broke two national jails, killed prison guards, released 4700 inmates, including those responsible for the murder of late puppet president Moise with FBI & DEA complicity.

Do not be fooled by invisible sanctions announced by Core Group members (the Blan Malveyan) against their PHTK assets/ enforcers in Haiti. As happened with previous confirmed criminals such as members of FRAPH, FAdH, local white warlords organization who were implicated in the 1991 and 2004 CIA-coordinated coups d’etat, a well rehearsed scenario is already in motion to whitewash the most horrendous crimes these monsters have committed against Haiti and fellow Haitians while, with the same water, playing Pontius Pilate, Frankenstein is washing his bloody hands. For instance, back in 1993, the US drew a list of major warlords who were supposedly “sanctioned” for collusion with Haitian paramilitary criminals involved in the 1991 coup. Can you guess whose names were on that 1993 US Office of Foreign Assets list? Indeed, the same culprits, including white warlord Gilbert Bigio who only became richer during the years of so-called “anbago“, through contraband via the Dominican Republic border which fuelled his tax-exempt import-export monopolies.

Another example of US double talk: July 12, 2024: “United States Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield accused fellow Security Council members of blocking American efforts demanding the rapid lifting of the hold on the former Senator and President of the Senate Youri Latortue, for inclusion on the UN sanctions list, accused of collusion with armed gangs“. In actual fact, as journalist Kevin Pina describes with supporting documents and in much detail, United States of America and the UN have both proactively sheltered long time asset Youri Latortue, for over 30 years.

The UN has no interest in pursuing this case or revealing this evidence despite the statements of this eyewitness that Youri Latortue was the triggerman that shot and killed Father Jean-Marie Vincent on August 28, 1994… It is a travesty of justice that the UN has been withholding this testimony from the public. They are supposed to be impartial but Latortue has powerful friends in the US Embassy who view him as an asset since his role following the ouster of Aristide in 2004.” (see: UN accused of hiding evidence in murder of priest in Haiti, Haiti Information Project, October 2010).

The witness tells how the Haitian police were holding her for Latortue until he could figure how to “get rid me.” When asked why she feared Latortue she responds, “Because the 28th of August 1994, I witnessed Youri Latortue murder the priest by the name of Jean-Marie Vincent.” (See:https://youtu.be/4JXHzfn28UA).

Latest news from the world of Canada & US-protected PHTK thugs in Haiti: former illegal Prime Minister Claude Joseph assaulted current one Garry Conille on Thursday July 18, 2024.

It apparently nearly came to blows exchanged between the two PHTK politicians. This feud reportedly blew up because Joseph is not satisfied with the size of budget assigned to government agencies that fall under “his control” and incredibly dirty shaninigans underway within the “private sector” (codeword for local white oligarchs/ warlords) on behalf of whom Joseph is forcing an illegal reshuffling of National Bank of Credit (BNC) board of directors.

Never mind the fact that Joseph holds no official title in said transition government and what he is reported to be demanding obviously falls in the realm of high corruption.

Meanwhile, ostracized by many Haitians to the point that his Sweet Micky music band as those of his sons are regularly chased out of town by angry Haitian diaspora protestors, in the US, Canada and France…, warlord and Petro Caribe thief Michel Martelly remains a worry-free resident of Miami, Florida. Obviously, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s protegé enjoys unwavering US government shelter while he taunts impoverished and humiliated Haitians in music videos such as “Yo pa ka bare m” (They can’t catch me). Gilbert Bigio, another Miami resident, is regularly briefed by his son Reuven, about their group’s discussion/negotiations with Core Group linked entities.

On December 5, 2022, same date that Canada announced sanctions against the first 3 white warlords: Abdallah, Bigio and Deeb, the Miami Herald published an article  where it states: “In anticipation of sanctions, some members of the private sector, including Reuven Bigio, who chairs his billionaire father’s GB Group conglomerate, have been meeting in Miami and Haiti under the auspices of a new entity called the Macaya Group. There have been discussions about coming up with a 10-year investment plan for the country and weighing in on the ongoing political paralysis”. The Herald adds… “Recently, members of the group met with former British diplomat Jonathan Powell, who traveled to Port-au-Prince and met with members of the political class, including Martelly”.

The Organization of American States (OAS) which coordinated Powell’s meeting with the Macaya Group (and bragged about it on Twitter) and Canada, which pretends to sanction the same Macaya klan, are both part of the infamous Core Group.

The people of Haiti deserve, need, and demand global solidarity to help prosecute and convict all warlords and their associates, regardless of skin color and nationality. If found guilty, all assets of actors like Martelly, Lamothe, Bigio, Deeb, Abdallah, Célestin, Fourcand, Joseph, Latortue, Chérizier, Izo, Vitelhomme and others must be nationalized, including naval ports Lafito and Varreux. With the recuperated stolen assets, the nation could establish a Haiti Building Fund that legitimate Haitian governments could, henceforth, access for the national budget. 

This is how they see Africa. For them, Africans belong to them. Our lands belong to them. Our subsoil belongs to them. They have never been able to change the logic until today…When you go to our states our soils are full of precious metals, such as gold, but often there is not even the slightest road accessible to reach the areas where they exploit gold, even less certain basic social services. This is why we have decided to revolt and take the fate of our countries into our own hands”. Ibrahim Traore, President of Burkina Faso, July 2024.

It is important to underscore how, as early as 2021, there exists on record a noteworthy list of overt beggars for foreign occupation of Haiti, among these: “white warlords” or BAMBAM-dominated Association des industries d’Haiti (ADIH) and American Chamber of Commerce in Haiti (AmCham) and former PHTK bandit Prime Ministers Laurent LamotheClaude Joseph, and Ariel Henry. Thus, signs abound that cheerleaders for foreign boots in Haiti were never concerned with protecting the Haitian population. The real MSS mission is to shield some of the most ruthless criminals of Haitian society from any form of justice, including popular justice (Bwa Kale).


On July 9, 2022, while passing through Nairobi with my son, there was only joy, love and pride in our hearts for our Kenyan brothers and sisters who were anxious about upcoming national elections. We met some wonderful brothers and sisters who made our stay in Nairobi ever so pleasant and memorable. We wished all possible blessings upon our gracious hosts. Little did I know that, merely a year later, a fool who would be declared President in said elections would offer his services to white supremacist butchers of my own Caribbean people in Haiti, descendants of kidnapped and enslaved Africans who fought and liberated themselves from European slavers.

William Samoei Ruto is no honourable son of Jomo Kenyatta, nor of the brave Winnie Madikizela Mandela who always stood upright and defended African dignity against all assaults of global white terrorism. What audacity for Ruto to claim his mercenaries mobilized upon request of Biden and his white imperialist cousins, constitute a pan-Africanist gesture! No, Ruto! You are a traitor. We warned you the millions you collect for the betrayal of Haiti shall not serve you well. That said, I know there are upright brothers and sisters on the African continent, including in Kenya. We call on them to continue raising their voices, mobilize their power to stop the fratricidal bloodshed being planned by the enemies of Haiti’s beleaguered but combative people.

I gladly joined Solidarité Québec-Haiti, Haiti Action Committee and KOMOKODA comrades who have stood in opposition ever since first words leaked about the shameful, racist, imperialist project to fuel global black fratricide in Haiti. As described in my letter published October 17, 2022, due to problematic racial undertones of the conflict at hand in Haiti, decision-makers in the US, Canada and Europe initially wanted Rwandan President Paul Kagame to shoulder responsibility for their outrageous Haiti invasion plot. Ruto quikly jumped in to prove himself the fastest of salon slaves. He shall soon find out what happens to those who betray the sons and daughters of Dessalines.

To conclude on a personal note…

Aware of disastrous roles played historically by The Vatican and other foreign-controlled christian churches which actively participated in US-led destabilization of democratic governments in Haiti, I hereby applaud Kenyan comrades who are currently applying significant pressure on their religions institutions and leaders so they may join what constitutes, in fact, a long overdue global movement of African awakening.

Son and grandson of Haitian Episcopalian priests, I am particularly well-positioned to understand the personal dilemma faced by contemporary African activists who, in adulthood, are now facing such awkward contradictions linked to our neocolonial religious indoctrination.

Today, while thousands of Africans routinely drown, trying to cross the Mediterranean into Europe, the vast majority of Europeans living all over the world are enjoying a rich environment built on the MAAFA, a collective crime that helped build white supremacist empires all across the planet. The ramifications of the MAAFA are well documented by scholars like Walter Rodney and Randall Robinson.

From the mid 1400s to the present, there has been three groups of legal entities involved in the attempted genocide of indigenous peoples in Africa and in the Americas. These three groups of partners in crime protect each other as they scandalously and shamelessly continue to enjoy impunity.

1) Militaries of the slaving states. In legal form, they are known as that of the Republic of France, the United Kingdom, the United States of North America, the Kingdom of Spain, The Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden…and the Holy See or Roman Catholic Church.

2) Merchants of the slaving states. Large corporations, legal entities that exist to this day, like Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Lloyds of London…, among others, prospered stealing the lands, mineral resources, human beings, unpaid labor of African and American indigenous peoples and have yet to pay a dollar of reparations for their heinous crimes.

3) Missionaries of the slaving states. From the Papal Bull of 1455 issued by Catholic Pope Nicholas V, to Catholic Priest Bartholemew de las Casas who proposed that Spanish soldiers kidnap Africans to replace the dying enslaved Arawak population of the Caribbean, to the diabolical arrangements made between Protestant British Queen Elizabeth I with fellow enslaver John Hawkins who armed and financed the “Jesus of Lubeck“, a slave ship destined to kidnap and deport chained African children, women and men, to the ongoing fleecing of wealth – including the very tortured minds and souls of indigenous African and American peoples, the Catholic Church, other Christian organizations such as the Church of England…are all white supremacist, slavery-enriched entities which, over centuries, took an active part in the genocidal colonial enterprise that included kidnappings, enslavement, torture and murder of indigenous women, men and children of several continents.

Thus, on May 9, 2018, as the Haitian delegate to the Conference on Reparations held in Caracas, Venezuela, I issued an urgent call to systematically reclaim all church keys, land titles and other assets in order to establish Remanbre Centres all around the world. Supporters of this idea argue that such healing and re-education centres (new or transformed former church buildings) ought to be erected in the context of long overdue reparations Christian organizations (Catholic and Protestant) owe survivors of genocidal attacks launched against the First Peoples of the Americas as well as survivors of the MAAFA. (please consult “I demand reparations in the name of Scipio Africanus“).

Brothers and sisters may the spirit of Dessalines and of all our noble ancestors guide us! May Ruto’s descendants defecate upon his grave for, clearly, his salon slave actions fall squarely in the tradition of mischievous white powers using black bodies as cannon fodder whenever they need, only to discard and humiliate once no longer deemed useful.

Please allow me to conclude with a couple of examples that illustrate the historical fate of black mercenaries in white armies.

  1. Our “tirailleurs” ancestors who fought Nazis in Germany as they liberated European cities, only to be denied owed pension, let alone, honour and respect. The French government went as far as murdering many who, somehow, managed to survive war and post-war persecution.
  2. US war of independence veterans Jean Baptiste Chavannes (1791) and my very own direct ancestors Jean & Jean-Baptiste Lefevre (1783).

Among Africans who fought on US colonial side at Savannah (1779) several arrived from Haiti with French Count d’Estaing. This runaway slave advertisement concerns two men from my family tree. Like Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, murdered on 25 February 1791, Jean & Jean Baptiste Lefebvre were denied freedom despite serving at Savannah. Runaway slaves they were in 1783.

So, what changed, in reality? Here we are, in 2024, when governments of the United States & Canada are sending mercenaries as cannon fodder from Kenya to secure Haiti for a few dozen white or white passing criminals. These black mercenaries from Kenya Jamaica, Tchad, Senegal, Barbados, Bahamas… will likewise learn a bitter lesson in Haiti. Brothers and sisters, how long shall we let this travesty go on?

Were Wakanda’s Queen Ramonda to walk into the real United Nations General Assembly as current-day white imperialists discuss their stubborn plan to “fix Haiti – once again”, we would see our eloquent Daughter of Lumumba say with dignified power and conviction: “we know why you desperately want to invade our Haiti. You wish to protect 15 white mafia families (see White Warlords are Haiti’s Real Curse) and their black criminal allies who work under your protection, denying Haitians their hard-earned sovereignty and access to huge natural riches available on their island. We fear not the potential harm of so-called gangs, but the very real, time-tested deadly potential of you (makers and armers of gangs) – you!

“We call on black soldiers worldwide, regardless of their national army, to refuse joining any imperialist invasion of Haiti, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso…, all our countries that resist neocolonial slavers, insatiable terrorists & mineral resources thieves”.


Jafrikayiti/Jean Saint-Vil is a political analyst and artist-activist. He is cofounder of two self-help organizations, AKASAN (Ayisyen ki ap soutni Ayisyen nètalkole) and Jaku Konbit, and host or co-host of several weekly radio programs focused on Haiti. He writes at jafrikayiti.com.

This 1783 runaway slave ad concerns 2 men from my family tree, Jean & Jean Baptiste Lefebvre who were denied freedom despite serving in the US war of independence at Savannah (1779).

See Part 1: “Taking stock of IFIs’ catastrophic track record in Kenya and Haiti


  1. Marie Nadine Pierre says:

    Jah & Jahes love beloved brother Jafrikayiti. I loved reading this wonderful blog post about the Fanmi Lavalas administration and the ways that the IMF and other colonial powers undermined Dr. JFA’s attempt to build Ayiti’s infrastructure. It made me very angry to read how my country, the U.S. fought against the Fanmi Lavalas allocation of 16% of their budget to health care and other much-needed Public Health services. It feels like they mean to kill us all or condemn us to a lifetime of destitution, disease, and illness. I find that shameful and despicable and I certainly want the U.S. Presidential candidates to answer questions about that during their campaign. I’m hopeful that the Harris campaign/administration will be more knowledgeable about the situation. But, we’ll have to wait and see what their approach to Ayiti is. For now, I want to share the following quotes that captivated my imagination and gave me much hope “George “Baby” Bush deemed that Haiti needs “fixing” on account of its legitimate government investing 16% of a measly national budget in healthcare, prioritizing education, public works, increasing the minimum wage and demanding long overdue restitution/reparations from France. ” “For the first time in its history, Haiti began implementing a Universal Free Schooling Program. 20% of the national budget was dedicated to education.” I would like to know if there is any updated statistics about these schools and programs that the Fanmi Lavalas established of which you wrote ” Lavalas built 195 new primary schools and 104 new public high schools and began the first school bus program. 70% of government subsidies were granted for school books and uniforms and 700,000 hot meals were served every day through school lunch programs“. Blessed love.#1804#Ayiti#ToutMounseMoun#AbolishCPS#AbolishPoverty#DefundFosterCare#ProChoice#RawVeganforLife#HRES40NOW#NoNewOccupationofAyiti#BwaKale

  2. Marie Nadine Pierre says:

    Jah & Jahes love beloved brother Jafrikayiti. I’m happy to have read this powerful blog post. I’m grateful for the fabulous research that you’ve done to find your roots. I feel sad about the fact that the two brothers who are in your family tree and who fought at Savannah were sought after escaping from their enslavers. They were probably promised freedom for going to help the U.S. in 1779. But, as always these BM had no good intentions and they most likely didn’t keep their promise. I was thrilled to read about your other ancestor, who moved to Ayiti with his aunt and uncle from Philadelphia. I am planning to read Dr. Leslie Alexander’s book about African Americans in Ayiti. I was surprised that he considered himself a U.S.-born Haitian. Do you think that he might have descended from Haitians who were enslaved by the French in the 14 States that Napoleon sold to Thomas Jefferson? Or, he might have been a descendant of the enslaved people who were brought to the U.S. by the French in the late 18th century during the War for Ayiti’s Independence. Antouka, bon bagay. Most powerful quote ” Brothers and sisters may the spirit of Dessalines and of all our noble ancestors guide us! May Ruto’s descendants defecate upon his grave for, clearly, his salon slave actions fall squarely in the tradition of mischievous white powers using black bodies as cannon fodder whenever they need, only to discard and humiliate once no longer deemed useful.”
    Blessed love.#1804#Ayiti#ToutMounseMoun#AbolishCPS#AbolishPoverty#DefundFosterCare#ProChoice#RawVeganforLife#HRES40NOW#NONewOccupationofAyiti#BwaKaleBlessed love.#1804#Ayiti#ToutMounseMoun#AbolishCPS#AbolishPoverty#DefundFosterCare#ProChoice#RawVeganforLife#HRES40NOW#NONewOccupationofAyiti#BwaKale