Latest News

March 13, 2022

Yon bon dechoukay nesesè pou Ayiti netralize tout malfèktè

Jodi a, Dimanch 13 Mas 2022, nou rasanble ankò pou n ede batay Pèp Ayisyen an kontinye pran fòs. Se yon batay san pran souf ki pral
March 3, 2022

No to Organized Religion, It's Spirit that Counts

By Brian StevensHaitian Times Staff , Published in May 2000 MIAMI – With the provocative title “Viv Bondye, Aba Relijyon” (Long live God, Down with Religion)
February 19, 2022

Testaman Liberal Yo: Verite osnon Malatchong?

Voyez ci-après la version française (originale) du texte intitulé “Le Testament des Libéraux” ainsi que des notes de critique historique la concernant. *** Tradiksyon Kreyòl tèks
February 7, 2022

Tranzisyon Koupe Fache Pa Separasyon Gato!

«Pèp Ayisyen an deside Koupe Fache ak bandi tout koulè, kit baz yo anba, kit baz yo anwo, kit baz yo Wachintonndisi!». Konpatriyòt onè!  Jodi a,