
June 27, 2024

Mercenaires du Kenya en Haiti: un desastre bien planifié

La même semaine que les premiers Kenyans armés et en uniforme de combat débarquaient à Port-au-Prince, une vingtaine de manifestants tombaient sous les balles assassines de
June 26, 2024

The young Haitian scores a historic victory goal yet Haiti looses again

Last night, June 25, 2024, as young and brilliant Jonathan David scored Canada’s first ever victory goal at a major soccer tournament (Copa America 2024), he
May 1, 2024

Obsessed with leveling its political playing field the US & Canada are destroying Haiti

Events of the past week when the US-backed Parti Haitien Tèt Kale (PHTK) regime maneuvered a 4th change of skin to retain its ill-gotten power over
December 18, 2023

Letter to President Aristide from a son of Haiti

Haiti’s self-appointed international “friends” masterminded, financed and executed a bloody bicentennial coup d’etat on 29 February 2004 which killed several thousands and severely derailed the nation’s