
August 17, 2016

Haitians Say Ngiyabonga (Thank You) South-Africa!

South-Africa is a beautiful country, inhabited by a courageous, generous and friendly people! By Jean Saint-Vil and Darlène Lozis, February 23, 2011  Ngiyabonga President Zuma! Ndiyabulela President
August 14, 2016

Roots of Black Lives Matter in Bwa Kay Iman, Haiti (14-15 August 1791)

At the Black Summit (Hoodstock 2016), last night, in Montreal, a sister rose during one of the panel discussions to place due emphasis on the pioneering role
July 10, 2016

Canada Urged to Have Normal Relations with Haiti

Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington St. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0A2 Ottawa, February 3, 2016 Honourable Prime Minister Trudeau: For over 12 years now, your
July 2, 2016

A Giant Step for Mankind – Made in Haiti

The Bwa Kay Iman Uprising Against Slavery by Jean Saint-Vil, August 11, 2009 There was a time, not so long ago, when popes, kings and queens