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Lafimen Box Set CD 1 – 4


Nan bwat sa a ou va jwenn tout seri 4 CD Lafimen yo - a professionally-mastered audio recording which narrates the history of the Haitian people, unapologetically, from a truth-centric perspective. (N.B.: time-limited offer - Cost of physical set includes shipping within U.S. and Canada).

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Nan bwat sa a ou va jwenn tout seri 4 CD Lafimen yo


This is a box set containing all four Cds in the series Lafimen: Listwa Pèp Ayisyen depi nan Ginen – History of the Africans of Haiti.

(20,000 B.C to October 17, 1806)

Premye CD a louvri ak “Nèg Nwa bay Nèg tout koulè toupatou” – otè a vwayaje ak nou, soti depi nan premye sivilizasyon nou konnen moun te tabli sou 4 kwen latè.

The opening piece of CD#1 “Nèg Nwa bay Nèg tout koulè toupatou”  (“Black” humans begat humanity of all «shades», everywhere) sets the stage with an overview of the earliest known human civilizations in Africa, Australia, the Americas and Eurasia.

Jafrikayiti mache ak nou sou tras gwo lese frape ki tanmen ant pitit kontinan Lafrik Ginen yo epi pitit patiray Lewòp yo ki vin rapousuiv jouk sou kontinan Lamerik lan, kote moun te fenk kare viv nan gwo chirepit ki lakòz premye pèp Lamerik (Arawak/ Tayino) ki te sou zile Ayiti yo disparèt nèt ale.

Jafrikayiti guides us along the violent interactions among Africans and Europeans which eventually led to the tragic experience of forced co-habitation in the Americas, genocide of the Tainos of Haiti and establishment of the slave colony of Santo Domingo.drapo

Nan CD#2 ak #3, se Revolisyon Ayisyen an ki layite an gran jan nètalkole, depi sou premye gwo leve kanpe Nèg Mawon yo, gouvènans yon jeni militè ki te rele Toussaint Louverture, jan li finalman fè bèk atè, jan konba a rapousuiv jouk rive nan dènye kou ki touye koukou a – viktwa final Lame Afriken revòlte yo sou ekpedisyon esklavajis Napoléon Banaparte lan (Batay Vètyè) epi pwoklamasyon endepandans Ayiti, 1 janvye 1804 sou lobidyans fondatè Jean-Jacques Dessalines.

CD #2 &#3 cover the Haitian Revolution, from the early maroon revolts, the rule of military genius Toussaint Louverture, his demise, the continued struggle for freedom, the ultimate victory of African troops over Napoleon’s expedition (Battle of Vertières), and the January 1, 1804 Proclamation of the Republic of Haiti by abolitionist leader and founder Jean-Jacques Dessalines.

CD#4 kouvri gouvènans Dessalines, soti nan premye koze Gouvènè Jeneral la pataje jou 1 janvye 1804 lan ak pèp li fenk ede libere a, pase wè aksyon ewoyik fanm vanyan Marie Sainte Dédé Bazile (Defile), jou trajik 17 Oktòb 1806 la.

CD#4 covers the entire rule of Dessalines, from the Governor General’s admonition to his liberated people on January 1, 1804 to the tragic assassination of Emperor Jacques I, followed by the heroic actions of Marie Sainte Dédé Bazile (Défilé), on October 17, 1806.


Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 2 cm

Digital, Physical


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