Embracing and celebrating the diversity of our colorful world, we study and tell neither his or hers, but Our Stories. *** Konnen listwa n se dwa n. Pataje listwa n, se devwa n.


Jafrikayiti (Jean Saint-Vil) is author of:
  1. LAFIMEN: Listwa Pèp Ayisyen Depi Nan Ginen (CD 1 – 4), audio recordings on the history of the Haitian People.
  2. Viv Bondye ! Aba Relijyon!,  book (essay) on spirituality and the Afro-Haitian experience with Christianity.

Co-founder of two self-help organizations AKASAN (Ayisyen ki ap soutni Ayisyen nètalkole) and Jaku Konbit which follow the principles popularized by Marcus Garvey, he is also an artist-activist immersed in the Global Peace and Social Justice movement.

He hosts or co-hosts  several weekly radio programs such as Bouyon-Rasin at the University of Ottawa’s C.H.U.O 89.1 F.M,  Rendez-vous Haitien at Carleton University’s C.K.C.U 93.1 F.M, Chèche pa peche and Pawòl pou chèche chimen on www.radiokajou.com.

Featured political analyst on Canadian as well as international media, a University of Waterloo (Hon. B.Sc., Biology) graduate and Canadian Civil Servant, Jafrikayiti lives in Ottawa-Gatineau but returns to Haiti on a regular basis.


Etank atis pent, ekriven, konferansye, dizè, animatè radyo osnon reyalizatè, Jafrikayiti, pwodui zèv tankou : LAFIMEN – Listwa Pèp Ayisyen Depi Nan Ginen, 2010 (CD 4), 2006 (CD 2&3), 2003 (CD 1), yon seri anrejistreman odyo ki tabli sou listwa; Viv Bondye ! Aba Relijyon!, 2000, yon liv osijè koze espirityalite epi eksperyans Ayisyen fè ak relijyon Krisyanis lan. Jafrikayiti se atis envite nan mizik epi videyo «Ayibobo» ak Rara Soley (2019).


Manm fondatè AKASAN ak Jaku Konbit, de òganizasyon ki kanpe sou prensip Marcus Garvey te popilarize tankou «tèt ansanm» epi «se mèt kò ki veye kò», Jafrikayiti se yon atis-militan, patizan yon mouvman anfavè lapè ak jistis sosyal toupatou sou latè. Li kanpe djanm anfavè reparasyon ak restitisyon pèp Lafrik ak Amerik yo dwe jwenn paske yo te sibi atak ak mati lesklavaj anba grif pouvwa kolonyal Ewopeyen yo.


Jafrikayiti anime plizyè emisyon radio tankou: Bouyon-Rasin nan CHUO 89.1 FM (Université d’Ottawa) epi Rendez-vous Haitien nan CKCU 93.1 FM (Carleton University). Detanzantan yo envite Jafrikayiti pataje analiz politik li nan emisyon radyo ak televizyon, tankou nan Democracy Now, Al Jazeera, France 24, CTV, CBC / Radio-Canada, chenn ki okipe zafè politik nan peyi Kanada a, CPAC.

Aktivite pwofesyonèl li ak travay fouyadò nan domèn listwa lakòz Jafrikayiti retounen lakay, an Ayiti, detanzantan epi fè pye poudre nan plizyè peyi.

PUBLIC SPEAKER / KONFERANSYE – To request Jafrikayiti for your next speaking engagement, please send an e-mail to jafrikayiti@gmail.com *** pou rezève yon konferans, voye yon mesaj imèl epi n ap reponn ou san mank.
AUTHOR / OTÈ – Read Jafrikayiti’s English/French and Creole language essays, under Blog *** Kozman yo pibliye nan 3 lang: Kreyòl, Angle ak Franse. Read, listen to or view excerpts from his Haitian Kreyòl works under Products *** Machandiz tankou Lafimen pèmèt ou li ak koute moso zèv ki nan lang Kreyòl
ACTIVIST / MILITAN BETON – For the emergence of a new era of justice-based global peace and genuine human sisterhood & brotherhood *** Jafrikayiti anbrigade nan konbit pou lajistis ak lapè layite toupatou, selon prensip sakre revolisyon Ayisyen an: “Tout moun se moun”
VISUAL ARTIST / ATIS PENT – Order artwork produced by Jafrikayiti *** Kèk tablo: “dèyè mòn”, “vonvon verite”, “kòd lonbit Àn”, “l’1nnocent”

Africans Around the World Overcome Adversities Everyday

How I wish when I was growing up, I had books that told me about the true story of my people, of their civilizations, inventions, struggles, victories.

Books in which the first picture I saw resembled me, instead of the Columbus face that starred curiously back at me, on the very first page of “our” Histoire d’Haiti by Frères de l’instruction chrétienne.

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