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February 28, 2016
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Lafimen CD 1 – Orijin pèp Ayisyen


This is the first cd in the series Lafimen: Listwa Pèp Ayisyen depi nan Ginen (History of the Africans of Haiti). It's a professionally-mastered audio recording which narrates the history of the Haitian people, unapologetically, from a truth-centric perspective.
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This is the first cd in the series Lafimen: Listwa Pèp Ayisyen depi nan Ginen (History of the Africans of Haiti)

(20,000 B.C to 1500 A.D)

Premye CD a louvri ak “Nèg Nwa bay Nèg tout koulè toupatou” – otè a vwayaje ak nou, soti depi nan premye sivilizasyon nou konnen moun te tabli sou 4 kwen latè.

Jafrikayiti mache ak nou sou tras gwo lese frape ki tanmen ant pitit kontinan Lafrik Ginen yo epi pitit patiray Lewòp yo ki vin rapousuiv jouk sou kontinan Lamerik lan, kote moun te fenk kare viv nan gwo chirepit ki lakòz premye pèp Lamerik (Arawak/ Tayino) ki te sou zile Ayiti yo disparèt nèt ale.

The opening piece “Nèg Nwa bay Nèg tout koulè toupatou” (“Black” humans begat humanity of all «shades», everywhere) sets the stage with an overview of the earliest known human civilizations in Africa, Australia, the Americas and Eurasia.tut

Jafrikayiti guides us along the violent interactions among Africans and Europeans which eventually led to the tragic experience of forced co-habitation in the Americas, genocide of the Tainos of Haiti and establishment of the colony of Santo Domingo.

The 4th piece “Krisyanis Esklavajis” offers a wealth of details about the circumstances in which African children, women and men became captives, subjected to enslavement by European militaries, merchants and missionaries.

The CD closes with a captivating conversation between Jafrikayiti, also author of “Viv Bondye Aba Relijyon” (Praise God, Down With Religion), and seasoned Haitian journalist Marcus Garcia (Melodie FM). It covers topics such as the origins of Christianity and the nature of the biblical Jesus, as well as reparations due to the native populations of Africa and the Americas by the slavery-built Christian empires of Europe .

The interview was recorded in Port-au-Prince (Haiti) in September 2001, days before the “World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance” (Durban, South-Africa); coincidentally, one week before the September 11, 2001 attacks against the New-York World Trade Center towers.

Track List

LAFIMEN CD#1 “Orijin Pèp Ayisyen” (Origins), produced in 2003, it comprises the following tracks:

CHAPIT 1- KÒD LONBRIT NOU NAN GINEN (Our umbilical cord is in Africa)

1. Nèg “nwa” bay nèg tout koulè, toupatou… (10’00)

(“Black” humans begat humanity of all «shades», everywhere)

2. Orijin pèp Ayisyen… (4’38)
(Origins of the People of Haiti)

CHAPIT 2- POUD KANON LAKWA ANSANGLANTE AYITI (The Cross and its gun powder bleed Haiti)

3. Tayino, abitan zile Ayiti (11’19)
(The Taïnos of Haiti)
4. Krisyanis esklavajis (10’27)
(Slaving Christianity)

5. Sou bato negriye (10’31)

(On the Slave Ship)

6. Zansèt nou debake Ayiti, chenn nan pye (12’36)

(Our ancestors landed, chains in legs, on the island of Haiti)


7. Reparasyon (5’38) – Reparations!
8. Viv Bondye Aba Relijyon (8’01) – Praise God, down with religion!

9. Jezi Pa t Kretyen ! (3’38)

– Jesus was no Christian

10. Doub Manti Fè Dekabès (2’25)

– The twin deceits: “god is white & whiteness is godly”
11. Toussaint Disip Jezi (0’39) – A disciple of Jesus named Toussaint Louverture?

12. Depi nan Ginen bon Nèg ap ede Nèg! (1’10)

– Brotherhood as ancient as Mama Africa


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