Tune in every Wednesday at 7 PM EST for a thought-provoking discussion on themes related to an increasingly uneasy relationship modern-day Africans of the continent and its diaspora are developing with Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) which were mobilized to subjugate their ancestors over centuries of foreign invasion. To receive regular alerts and updates, please subscribe to my channel www.youtube.com/@jafrikayiti
Episode 9 – Wednesday 19 February 2025
Theme: A universal God made in their image?
How many old white men voted the Christian God into existence, when, where, how and why? Factual, verifiable answers to these questions do exist. Come explore these matters with us in this 9th episode of God is nøt white. Remember to tune in every Wednesday at 7 pm EST @ Jafrikayiti (Youtube, X, Facebook, LinkedIn)
Reconnaitre Léonard (Leonardo da Vinci was no god)
Episode 8 – Wednesday 12 February 2025
Theme: Who invented the word of God, when, where, how, why?
We begin this investigation of fingerprints found on the Christian Bible with a review of Early Christianity’s timeline, checking out a couple of Early Church Fathers before examining eery similarities between the stories of Paul and Constantine, two peculiar “heroes” of the Judeo-Christian sect established in the name of Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary, brother of James.
Tune in every Wednesday at 7 pm EST! @Jafrikayiti (Youtube, X, Facebook, LinkedIn)
Episode 7 – Wednesday 5 February 2025
Theme: Was Paul a Roman spy?
We take a closer look at interactions between Roman authorities, fellow Judeans and Paul of Tarsus, the Roman citizen who took full control of the Jesus movement in dramatic fashion, only a few years ofter the demise of Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary, brother of James. Tune in every Wednesday at 7 pm EST! “Paul leading Christianity is equivalent to Guy Philippe, Toto Constant & Michel Martelly joining with the CIA to murder former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and, a few years later, they have Constant leading a political party named «Lavalas Forever»” – Jafrikayiti author of “Viv Bondye! Aba Relijyon!”
Episode 6 – Wednesday 29 January 2025
Theme: Paul was Christian, not Jesus!
Without a study of history, particularly Christian history, it would prove impossible to grasp how natural it was for European enslavers to make use of Christian Bible and dogma in support of the MAAFA and other crimes against humanity they’ve perpetrated all over the world.
Before the arrival of Saul (Paul) of Tarsus on the scene, Nazarene Jews like Jesus, his family and followers did not differ much from other indigenous inhabitants of Roman-occupied Judea and greater Palestine. However, once Saul made his dramatic appearance, it was clear there was a new sheriff in town.
Would there be Christianity today if Jesus never existed? This is debatable.
Would there be Christianity today if Paul never existed? This is not debatable.
Tune in this Wednesday at 7 pm EST, God is Nøt White Jafrikayiti (YouTube, X, Facebook, LinkedIn)
Episode 5 – Wednesday 22 January 2025
Theme: Religion – How was the Christian religion established?
Few Christians are familiar with the history of the faith they were born into or have adopted. Yet, the information is readily available in many languages. In this 5th episode of God is not white, a son and grandson of Haitian Episcopalian priests who self describes as a recovering Christian describes his quest for knowledge about how Christianity came into existence. Themes covered include:
Episode 4 – Wednesday 15 January 2025
Theme: Religion – How did Christianity land in Haiti?
They spoke Arawak, named their islands Ayiti, Boriken, Xamayca, Cuba… Some historians say they numbered over 1.5 million souls in October 1492. Then, it came to pass that three (3) strange boats arrived on their shores. This was not their first encounter with visitors from far away lands and seas. However, contrary to the dark brown Africans with whom they remember exchanging gold, copper and marihuana, these pale skinned ones who carry a cross landed with a loud and deadly powder, outrageous violence, greed and mischievousness.
Episode 3 – Wednesday 8 January 2025
Theme: So, God has “a chosen people”?
Later this month a number of planets in our solar system will align, offering a unique, awe-inspiring spectacle for humans of Earth to contemplate. However, few among us will be able to enjoy this gift. All over the globe, women, men and children are kept constantly on the run to save their lives. Incomprehensible, deadly wars that befall them arrive like hailstones from the sky. So it is in January 2025.
Reading the book of Joshua in the Torah and in the Bible, one cannot escape the thought that the Amalekites must have felt very much like the Palestinians of our lifetime. What did they do to deserve such a fate? How come so few are coming to their rescue as they are getting systematically annihilated by a foreign foe. One that is already armed to the teeth yet still receiving support from other major military forces.
In the Bible, the Amalekites were living peacefully in their own land, yet God and Joshua conspired to force them out, murdering men, women and children. To achieve their goal, God and Joshua went as far as “stopping the sun on its track” in order to have sufficient time and light to accomplish genocide and robbery.
Do these tales of conquest by the Judeo-Christian God’s “chosen people”, as found in the book of Joshua, have any impact on human behaviour in the year 2025?
Episode 2 – Wednesday 1 January 2025
Themes covered: Praise God! whose god, what god?
Episode 1 – aired Wednesday 25 December 2024
Themes covered: My personal trajectory, “Viv Bondye! Aba Relijyon!” (2000), God is nøt white (2024)