
October 8, 2023

About us, ki lès nou ye

Jafrikayiti (Jean Saint-Vil) is author of: Co-founder of two self-help organizations AKASAN (Ayisyen ki ap soutni Ayisyen nètalkole) and Jaku Konbit which follow the principles popularized
September 1, 2023

No Need to Invade Haiti: Arrest Bigio and Martelly in Florida

As I type these paragraphs, US-armed terrorists are closing in on my native neighbourhood of Kafoufèy, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Family members and friends have reportedly scattered
August 30, 2023

Reflections of a Retired Canadian Public Servant

Warning: might include expressions of gratefulness and praise for the Canadian Science and Technology System. In a few days, I will begin official retirement from the
July 13, 2023

Who supports foreign invasion of Haiti, why?

For several months now, there has been incessant diplomatic activity to justify a U.S. invasion of Haiti albeit, this time, with black face. As described in