(Please scroll down for the English version)
Souple, siyen petisyon an: https://www.change.org/p/ayisyen-toupatou
Daprèzavwa, jou ki te 17 oktòb 1806 la, kriminèl te sasinen Anperè Jacques 1e, Papa Dessalines, Fondatè Ayiti, Nasyon Nèg ak Nègès Lib ki ap viv sou Patiraj Lamerik la;
Daprèzavwa, depi dat madichon sa a, Pèp Ayisyen an pèdi bousòl li epi gouvènans Zile Manman Libète a kite bon direksyon, jouk li deraye nètalkole;
Daprèzavwa derayman sa a vin lakòz konfizyon layite nan lespri plizyè jenerasyon osijè misyon istorik Pèp Ayisyen an genyen pou li akonpli sou planèt latè;
Daprèzavwa konfizyon sa a manifeste menm nan fason moun toupatou sou latè sonje epi make jou madichon 17 oktòb 1806 la;
Daprèzavwa, depi plizyè deseni, chak 17 oktòb, kit se sou zile a, kit se lòt bò dlo, konfizyon lakòz yon kantite pitit ak pitit pitit Dessalines lage kò yo ak nanm yo nan koudjay epi fete bradsi-bradsou ak sila yo ki te pwofite rezilta konplo kò sansinay 17 oktòb la;
Daprèzavwa, jiskaprezan, nou poko reyalize rèv Papa Dessalines nan, kote tout Nèg ak Nègès viv tankou frè ak sè, pataje richès zile a youn ak lòt, san fòs kote, epi pwoteje li kont anbiyon kolon voras;
Daprèzavwa, Pèp Ayisyen an vle epi bezwen reprann bonnanj li;
Daprèzavwa, tankou Marie Sainte Dédée Bazile (Défilé Fanm Vanyan), nou vle epi bezwen rejwenn diyite Papa Dessalines te bannou an;
Noumenm, Ayisyen ki ap viv toupatou sou latè, nou deside poze aksyon klè epi konkrè pou :
1. Pèp Ayisyen an mande, merite epi jwenn padon nan men Papa Dessalines, poutèt yon pati move zansèt nou yo te touye li osnon kite li mouri sasinen, jou 17 oktòb 1806 la;
2. Alèkile, chak 17 oktòb, Ayisyen pran abitid mande Ayisyen parèy li padon pou tout move jès li, tout move aksyon li, tout move pawòl li ki te lakòz toumant, soufrans, lapenn nan kò osnon nan lespri yon lòt Ayisyen parèy li
Pou rezon sa yo, nou deklare 17 oktòb « Jou Mande Padon »
Pou li make jès «Mande Padon» sa a, chak 17 oktòb, Ayisyen an va poze yon jès pozitif konkrè osnon senbolik anfavè moun li te fè mal la, parekzanp plante yon pyebwa pou li.
Alèkile, chak 17 oktòb, otorite lejitim k ap dirije Ayiti yo, va pran tout dispozisyon ki nesesè epi itil pou ede anplwaye leta, elèv lekòl, tout sitwayen Ayisyen alawonnbadè, make « Jou Mande Padon » an, kòmsadwa, toupatou sou teritwa nasyonal la.
Noumenm ki dakò ak deklarasyon sa a, nou siyen li epi nou pran angajman pataje li ak Ayisyen toupatou sou latè.
++++ ENGLISH ++++
Please, sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/ayisyen-toupatou
Whereas, on October 17, 1806, His Majesty Jacques I, Papa Dessalines, Founder of Haiti, the nation of self-liberated Africans in the Americas, was cowardly assassinated by a horde of criminals;
Whereas, since that forsaken date, the People of Haiti have lost their guide and the governance of the Island Mother of Liberty has derailed, decade after decade;
Whereas this derailment has caused widespread confusion in the minds of people who, over several generations, have failed to grasp the nature of Haiti’s historic mission on planet earth;
Whereas said confusion can be seen manifested in the manner in which people, all over the world, remember and mark the dreadful events of October 17, 1806;
Whereas, over several decades, we’ve observed how, on October 17, confused sons and daughters of Haiti, allow themselves to partake, body and soul, in all sorts of debauchery, hands over shoulders, with the very ones who have benefited from the October 17, 1806 patricide;
Whereas, we, Haitians, have yet to accomplish the dream of our beloved Papa Dessalines that Africans of Haiti live as brothers and sisters, sharing equitably the riches of their island while protecting it from the greed of voracious wannabe colonizers;
Whereas, the Haitian People want and need to reaffirm control over its soul and its territory;
Whereas, in the example of Marie Sainte Dédée Bazile (Défilée the Vaillant Lady), we, Haitians, want and need to reclaim the dignity earned for us by Papa Dessalines;
We, Haitians living all over the world, decide to take concrete action towards:
1. Helping the Haitian People ask, deserve and obtain the forgiveness of Papa Dessalines, for the fact that, a set of degenerates among our ancestors either participated in or allowed the Patricide of October 17, 1806;
2. Establishing the practice whereby, on October 17, each son or daughter of Haiti shall ask forgiveness of his fellow Haitian whom s/he had offended, hurt or caused to suffer by words or by deeds.
For these reasons, we declare October 17 Haitian National Day of Atonement « Jou Mande Padon »!
In order to mark his/her remorse, the son or daughter of Haiti shall take a resolute and positive action or make a symbolic gesture that benefits the fellow Haitian to whom he had caused harm; For instance, planting a tree on his/her behalf.
From now onward, each October 17, legitimate Haitian authorities shall take every measure deemed useful or necessary to facilitate public servants, school-children, all citizens, in their efforts to adequately mark the Haitian National Day of Atonement.
We, who agree with this statement, have signed it and have dedicated ourselves to sharing it with fellow Haitians living all over the world.
1 Comment
Jah love beloved Jafrikayiti. This is a great document. I think that folks should take it seriously because I think that it would help us to grow and advance a lot as a people and as a nation. We need to forgive each other for all of the wrong that we’ve done to one another. And I ask all Ayiti people whom I’ve hurt in any way to please forgive me and I welcome the opportunity to make things right. Blessed love.