
January 14, 2018

Many cousins of Donald Trump act like him but speak differently

“Trump is an accurate mirror of what is wrong with world leadership… …people need to ask themselves why is Haiti a country that is financially, economically
January 13, 2018

Haiti: gare aux vautours déguisés en colombes

En vérifiant mes archives pour mieux illustrer la duplicité des Jean-Michel Caroit de ce Monde, je viens tout juste de me rendre compte qu’au moment même
December 30, 2017

A Single Maat Confession for Haitians

Today, December 30, 2017, as we enter “Nia”, the 5th day of Kwanzaa, I invite you to follow me on a special journey that will take
November 27, 2017

Robert Mugabe: ou se ewo pam

Sa a, se tradiksyon Kreyòl (li pa ofisyèl) pou yon tèks orijinal otè Jean Gasho pibliye sou tit: “Dear Robert Mugabe, To The World You May