March 8, 2021

Chavire chodyè a nèt epi mete dife!

Konpatriyòt, onè!  Li klè, pou Ayiti libere, fòk ke makak blan an kase bon kase! Mwa pase a, nou te founi je gade ki jan, 7 fevriye 1986, Jean-Claude Duvalier ak
October 20, 2019

What ought to be Canada’s policy towards Haiti?

This year, as Canadians head to the polls, a Montreal-based group known as Québec-Haiti Solidarity: Petro Challenge 2019 undertook several actions to alert Canadians that something
May 16, 2019

Time to stop resisting Haiti’s Resistance

As political violence appears to be growing in Haiti in the midst of outrageous calls to overthrow of a democratically-elected government; As a Bush administration denies
November 3, 2018

Who Runs the New Dictatorship in Haiti?

HAITI’S NEW DICTATORSHIP: The Coup, the Earthquake, and the UN Occupation by Justin Podur *** ABOUT THE BOOK Haiti’s New Dictatorship charts the country’s recent history,