October 14, 2022

White Warlords are Haiti’s Real Curse

Originally published on Black Agenda Report There exists a numerically-miniscule but economically-powerful set of inbreeding oligarch families in Haiti , who are not descendants of deported and enslaved
August 29, 2022

Dechoukay pa fèt vaykevay alevwa revolisyon

« Annou suiv bon ekzanp zansèt nou yo ki te marye entèlijans ak kouray pou fè yon bon operasyon koupe tèt boule kay ki reyisi kwape
May 31, 2022

Haiti demands long overdue reparations and refuses to become Caribbean Rhodesia

Message posted to the Corbett Haiti List while in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 9, 2004... I participated in this solidarity conference and I can confirm that the
May 24, 2022

Restitisyon: Aristide di koze a po ko fini

«Koze a po ko fini. Blan Kidnapè 2004 yo fenk kòmanse konfese, menm moun fou sezi!» Jodi a, nou genyen yon panse espesyal pou tout frè ak