
July 8, 2018

We Are Haiti

Join the Public Demonstration of Canadian Solidarity with the People of Haiti – Monday, 9 July 2018, Noon, Parliament Hill… There is no time to waste!
August 7, 2017

Canada’s next astronaut has just crossed the border and she needs your help

Yesterday, I had the privilege to stand among some very beautiful, bright and generous people who gathered at the Montreal Olympic Stadium to welcome a few dozen
May 5, 2017

What is Canada Doing in Haiti?

The “Ottawa Initiative on Haiti”: Humanist Peacekeeping or…? On Sussex Drive in Ottawa, just a few steps away from the enormous US embassy, stands the Peacekeeping
August 14, 2016

Roots of Black Lives Matter in Bwa Kay Iman, Haiti (14-15 August 1791)

At the Black Summit (Hoodstock 2016), last night, in Montreal, a sister rose during one of the panel discussions to place due emphasis on the pioneering role